Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Child Of Unusual Size (C.O.U.S)

As you know, I recently gave birth to what may have been the largest newborn in Tokyo on April 6, 2006. Will was 10.5lbs when he was born, a size that I still can't believe. Now, about 6 weeks later, he is even bigger! Ok, maybe that is sort of an obvious statement. But my giant child is even growing out of some of his 3 month old clothes. We have upgraded to the 3-6 month size.

To show you what I am talking about, we have used Will's bouncy chair as a measuring reference point. Here is Will on April 19 when he was 2 weeks old:

And here is Will on May 3rd when he is almost 4 weeks old:

(I think he looks like his cousin Caleb in the above picture, only not blond.)

And here is Will at almost 6 weeks on May 17th:

Will's rate of size increase almost seems inconceivable!


watterflower said...

He will be a great soccer player. Look at those legs!

Anonymous said...

What are you feeding that kid?!

Anonymous said...

I think someone's been watching too much 'Princess Bride'!!!